Apply NON-SWORN Positions

Step 1 Entrance Exam & Application

A competitive entrance Exam is a basic requirement for all applicants. Individuals who earn a passing score of 75% or greater will be allowed to move forward with the application process.  Also, online testing is available at the Office of State Examiner for a fee of $40.” Applicants who do not pass may retest on the next available testing date.

As of August 1st, 2020, anyone interested in the position of Communications Officer shall now apply directly through the Louisiana Office of State Examiner for testing. The test is administered by the Office of State Examiner in various jurisdictions throughout the state of Louisiana. For upcoming testing dates and locations, please visit The Louisiana Office of State Examiner website at

See upcoming OSE competitive exam opportunities and application deadlines, and download a study guide

Step 2 Intake

Once an applicant has received a passing score of 75% or higher from the Office of State examiner, the applicant should then complete the Intake Form and Intake Application. These forms are available in the tabs below and can be emailed directly to the BRPD Recruiting Division by simply clicking the link in the top right corner of the form. Applicants should then contact the Recruiting Division at or call (225) 389-3906 to confirm that his or her intake form and application have been received.

Once the intake form and application have been received by the Recruiting Division, a BRPD recruiter will then verify your entry exam score through the Office of State Examiner.

Intake Form (Employment Requirements)


Being that our Employment start dates are not predetermined, we ask that you please be patient throughout a hiring process for the purpose of determining vacancy and for the building of an applicant eligibility list. We assure you that you are very valuable to us in your attempt to help us serve the City of Baton Rouge and that we are very grateful for your interest.

Step 3 Fingerprinting & Photos

Applicants will be fingerprinted and have their photos taken.

Step 4 Personal History

Applicants will be issued an access code to complete an online personal history questionnaire and authorization forms for the release of background information. Each applicant must also submit three letters of recommendation, a credit report, their social security card, and a passport photo. Letters of recommendation must be typed, dated, signed, and include the author’s personal contact information (phone number, physical address, and email address); the letters may be written by anyone who personally knows the applicant, with the exception of family members. All information must be submitted to the Recruiting Division within one week following the completion of the questionnaire. Applicants unable to return this information by the deadline may apply for the next hiring process.

Step 5 Background Investigation

The background investigation portion of the application process includes multiple components, listed below. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license for this step.

Truth Verification

Applicants will be questioned about any prior criminal activity, their work ethic, and potential prejudices; all test results will be valid for six months. Applicants who fail to show up for their scheduled appointment without proper notification will be removed from the hiring process and can reapply.

Background Check

Background investigators will review each applicant’s criminal and driving history, credit history, and personal history questionnaire. Applicants’ current and former employers, neighbors, and personal references will be questioned, and applicants will participate in an in-home interview.

Board Interview

Applicants will be interviewed by a panel of police officers. The interview will include a set of standard questions asked to all applicants, as well as questions based on the applicant’s unique background and the findings of the background investigators. This step will be completed by all applicants.

Psychological Assessment

Applicants will complete psychological testing and an interview with a psychologist. This step will be completed by applicants for a communication officer positions only.

Physical & Drug/Alcohol Screen

Applicants will complete a physical and a drug/alcohol screen.

Step 6 Final Selection

Final selection will be based on an applicant’s complete background, determined in Step 5 and Step 6, as well as the availability of positions. Those selected will be given a final conditional offer of employment.

You don’t have to be a police officer to work for the Baton Rouge Police Department. In fact, BRPD offers several employment opportunities for civilians, including supporting BRPD communications, receiving and responding to information requests, and classifying and identifying fingerprints.

Communications Officer

Communications Officers support BRPD by operating communications equipment, keeping records, dispatching officers to calls, and communicating with agencies, businesses, and other organizations.


Criminal Information Specialist

Criminal Information Specialists play a crucial role in BRPD’s daily operations. This position involves reviewing and responding to requests for information from law enforcement officers working in the field through radio communications or other necessary means. Individuals with this job are responsible for providing immediate assistance to police officers regarding vehicle registrations, stolen vehicles, and other property, missing persons, etc.


Criminal Intelligence Analyst

Prepares, analyzes, and disseminates information relevant to actual and anticipated criminal activity utilizing modern research methods including research design, statistical analysis, trends and patterns, victim and suspect profiling, and other quantitative research techniques. Applies knowledge of the criminal justice system and standard police procedures to determine the methodology of collecting and collating data from various software programs and databases. Prepares narrative statements summarizing retrieved information.


Police Cadet

This is a position of training in general police work following well-defined procedures and techniques. Employees in this class perform regular and routine assignments as instructed, and any independent action, initiative, or judgment may be utilized as experience is gained. All general and special assignments or instructions are received from a designated superior officer. The performance of work, methods, and results will be reviewed through reports, inspections, and discussions. Police cadets will not be allowed to carry weapons except in compelling and emergency situations. Continued employment in this class is conditional and depends upon a satisfactory tenure of service. Upon reaching the age of 21 a cadet may be automatically allocated to the class of Police Officer provided he passes the police officer civil service entrance examination; such allocation supersedes any existing employment list.


Fingerprint Technician

Fingerprint Technicians are responsible for classifying and identifying fingerprints, as well as processing all prisoners arrested by BRPD officers and other agencies through Live Scan. Fingerprint Technicians’ duties also include recording prisoners’ information, collecting fingerprints, and taking photographs.